Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jim's Seafood on the Kentucky River in Frankfort, Kentucky

Jim's Seafood on the Kentucky River in Frankfort is an old school Kentucky restaurant. It's been there, according to the hostess, forever.

 It sits on one of the Kentucky River's locks.

While it isn't what you would call picturesque . . . 

 . . . what with the carcasses of boats . . .

. . . and barges on the far bank, it is interesting and makes for an interesting meal, especially for kids (like me).

Here's one just to show I was there. Jim's is old school right down to the scoop of cole slaw with captain's wafer crackers on the side, sweet tea and ice water you don't have to ask for . . . 

 . . . and soft round mints for sale on your way out. Now that's a true, locally-owned Kentucky restaurant for you. I neglected to take a picture of my main course of Alaskan whitefish, oysters, and deviled crab, all of it fried, of course. They have broiled selections, which I intended to have, but at the last minute I changed my order and in the commotion forgot to specify . . . and, of course, fried is the default option. But I'll be returning to Jim's and I'll add a photo of the entree at a later date.

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