Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Arboretum in Lexington, Kentucky

If you live in Lexington, if you're visiting or just passing through, don't visit the Arboretum--it's already overrun. You're not missing anything anyway . . .

This rose is so Kentucky.

Amazing. The eye doesn't know what to do with this flower. It's the same way in person.

Very "green" but ultimately impractical.

The birds are frightened away because they think these bird baths are giant, bird-eating mushrooms. Go figure.

Great place for a wedding.


  1. Wow! Gorgeous photos- what a feast of color and form...Thanks for posting!

  2. Todd,
    You quoted: "The source of all abundance is not outside you. It is part of who you are". How very true!

    Your 'eye' has captured nature's abundant beauty so gracefully! Very nice of you sharing all this.
